Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tubs weight records and quality issues

Hi again;
I am also in need the records you may have on the following subjects:
1- Any records you could provide on the tubs weight between 2002 and 2004,
2- Any quality issues that you may recoded, records of substandard products you may received at anytime between 2002-2008,
Anyone kept any records of these items? Please email; such information, records or recollection to me at

Thank you,

Records of Tubs and Pints Prices

Hey there,

Does anyone remembers how much we paid per bulk tub (ice cream frozen yogurt and sorbets) and Pint per sleeve, between 2002 and 2004, anyone kept any records of them? Could you, email; such information, records or recollection to me at Thank you,
